Advanced Business Strategies: Build Healthy Business Boundaries

business massage therapy Sep 29, 2022

(Massage Magazine Column: "Advanced Business Strategies" September 29, 2022; Author Amy Bradley Radford)

Being in this business for many years, I have observed therapists who, after finally achieving their dreams of having a fully booked schedule with a maximum income, have simply shut down their businesses and walked away. I have asked some of these individuals why, when they had finally achieved their goals, did they quit?

The answers have all been similar: They felt like their business was controlling them and they were exhausted on many different levels at the same time. These therapists were burned out.

However, it wasn’t just a physical depletion from performing massage. It was more of a mental exhaustion from trying to fulfill the building needs of their business. Their businesses had become so needy that they could no longer meet the demands it required. (read more here....)



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