Advanced Business Strategies: Create a $20-Add-On-Menu

business massage therapy Jan 01, 2023

(Massage Magazine Column: "Advanced Business Strategies" January 1, 2023; Author Amy Bradley Radford)

You can give yourself a raise by using a simple add-on menu in a specific way for your sessions. The main idea behind this type of add-on menu is to create services you can seamlessly integrate into your existing massage sessions and that add value to the session without extending the session.

The Candle Scenario

Several years ago, a friend of mine convinced me to sell candles inside my massage office. I did not think I would make any money at it, but I wanted to help my friend. I enjoyed the candles, and the worst-case scenario would be that I would end up using all the product.

So, I created a small sales area next to where my clients would wait for me to finish up with other clients, giving them plenty of time to sniff and smell.

The very first week, I sold 18 candles. (read more here...)


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