Advanced Business Strategies: How To Grow A Small Business With Phasing

business massage therapy Apr 13, 2023

(Massage Magazine Column: "Advanced Business Strategies" April 13, 2023; Author Amy Bradley Radford)

Are you ready to expand and grow your business but find something is holding you back from pursuing your dreams? In this article, we will look at one key action related to how to grow a small business: phasing.

Perhaps you have a dream about the next phase of your business and are unsure how to move forward; or are you just feeling like you are in rinse-repeat cycle where you are earning money but feel like you are stagnant? If you are ready for some forward motion, but struggling to get momentum, it just might be time to sit down and use phasing to build a new business plan.

Phasing is about figuring out the best way for your specific business to go from where the current state of operations is to where you envision it could be—and then taking the steps to grow into that vision.

How to Grow a Small Business with Phasing

First, I want you to observe the overall stability and functionality of your current business model. At this point, you will want to eliminate anything that is not working and expand into what is working and also brings the most consistency along with it. (read more here...)



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