Advanced Business Strategies: Save Time By Batching Business Tasks

business massage therapy Feb 25, 2022

 (*Massage Magazine Column: "Advanced Business Strategies" February 25, 2022; Author Amy Bradley Radford)

When starting out in business, we look forward to the time when our massage schedule is full, when we do not have to spend so much of our time and energy finding clients or worrying about finding clients.

What we don’t realize at that early stage of our career is how the large amount of effort we spent bringing clients in our door merely transitions into trying to keep the balance of managing the busy practice we created.

This is where owning a business can feel overwhelming. If left unmanaged this feeling can impact us in negative ways and contribute to burnout. I have coached business owners who expressed they were more overwhelmed by being successful than they were in the beginning phase of building their practice. The reason for this is that the ongoing requirements of running a business can be draining if those tasks are not put into a system that supports you. (read more here....)



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