Advanced Business Strategies: Send Text Message Reminders To Help Clients Keep Appointments

business massage therapy Aug 26, 2022

(Massage Magazine Column: "Advanced Business Strategies" August 26, 2022; Author Amy Bradley Radford)

I have observed that most doctors’ offices are now using text messages or a series of texts to remind clients of their appointments. They use texting because it works and it decreases the rate of no-show appointments, which impacts many health and service-related businesses.

A couple of years ago, my children’s dentist started sending out a series of reminder texts for their six-month checkup appointments. The first reminder text comes in about seven days before their appointment. The next text comes in the day before the appointment and the last text is the day of the appointment. Occasionally, I have received a text within two hours of the appointment.

While that many texts may sound excessive, I have personally come to appreciate it. In today’s world of distractions and overwhelm, it almost takes that type of cue to have my attention to fulfill my appointment obligations. (read more here...)


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