At the Table, Always Be Polite
Jun 01, 2016* Massage Magazine Article June 1, 2016; Author Amy Bradley Radford
When someone is on my massage table, I always try to remember my table manners. Fortunately for you and your clients, this time it is acceptable to put your elbows on the table!
When I was 12, my mother enrolled me in an etiquette class at school. To say the least, I was not excited to go. However, as I became more involved in the class, I really enjoyed it and started using some of the training in my daily life. I found that I was able to more easily traverse different social landscapes with friends and adults.
That class instilled in me some very simple guidelines that helped me become a more successful and confident young adult. I still use many of those skills in my life and business today. (To read more, click here)
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