Get Massage: This is How to Choose the Right Massage Trade Partner

business massage therapy Aug 13, 2021

 (*Massage Magazine Article August 13, 2021; Author Amy Bradley Radford)

Massage trades are so important to health and longevity in this industry. Hopefully, like me, you have a fellow massage therapist you can do massage trades with to contribute to each other’s self-care.

Finding and picking the right partner can be a challenge. Let me share a frightening story about my first experience trying to find a massage trade partner.

I was 19, had been working as a massage therapist for about two months, and was in serious need of bodywork. Since I had gone to school out of state, I didn’t have any classmates to contact, nor did I know any local therapists.

So, I did what I thought was my best option: I pulled out the phone book and started calling massage therapists, leaving messages on their answering machines. I’m sure I used my best professional voice, saying I was new and wanted to know if they would be willing to trade with me. (read more here...)



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