Is This The End of Competition? Meet the New Heart-Centered Approach to Professional Networking

business massage therapy Dec 24, 2020

 (*Massage Magazine Article December 24, 2020; Author Amy Bradley Radford)

There is a very important mental shift occurring in the massage industry: to continue to be independent but to work together as a community—such as in professional networking—in approaches to client care.

This approach to care goes beyond traditional professional networking. It involves referring clients to other therapists, both when it benefits the client and when as therapists we need a temporary resource for our clients; reframing competitors as collaborators; and stepping outside the oftentimes isolating session room to connect with colleagues.

Recently, I was teaching a workshop and I observed this shift in action. Toward the end of class, there were massage therapists exchanging phone numbers and setting up appointments to work on each other. (read more here...)




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