Protect Your Health & Income: The Client Health Check-In

business massage therapy Nov 25, 2022

(Massage Magazine Article November 25, 2022; Author Amy Bradley Radford)

While most clients cancel if they are feeling at all unwell, some clients do show up to an appointment symptomatic. To protect your health, ask your clients to answer some questions beyond your regular intake—at every session.

The close-contact nature of this profession requires that we create a plan of how to navigate and protect ourselves in a world of where transmissible viruses create alarm and could potentially impact our health or income.

With new COVID-19 variants circulating (and substandard booster rates in the U.S.)—plus a predicted influenza surge this winter on top of the recent monkeypox outbreak, it is clear that massage therapists must use enhanced procedures to maintain the safety of their own and clients’ health. (read more here....)



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