Start a Massage Practice. The MT's Guide to Budgeting for Startup Costs & Monthly Expenses

business massage therapy Dec 07, 2020

 (*Massage Magazine Article December 7, 2020; Author Amy Bradley Radford)

It takes more than enthusiasm to start a massage practice; it also takes budgeting your money to be successful

Based on my experience helping new massage therapists put together their first-year business plans, I know there is this thing that happens to many of you; in fact, you might actually have this thing going on right now, if you are thinking of working for yourself.

That thing is a palpable driving force building up inside of you, generating all kinds of thoughts, feelings, hopes and excitement. What is that thing? It is blind enthusiasm.

The problem with blind enthusiasm is it often gets misconstrued as a sense of security that makes you believe your ideas for a business are definitely going to work and you are definitely going to be successful. (read more here....)



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